Jim Garland

Jim Garland

Future Fayette County Commissioner, taking office in January

By Megan Neary

What is your favorite way to spend your free time?

Going out to eat with my wife and going out with friends on the weekend.

What is your main goal as a commissioner?

Work with all entities and keep a balanced budget. Also to get along with everybody and just try to make things as efficient as possible.

If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why?

Jesus. If everybody obeyed the 10 Commandments all our problems would be solved, I believe.

What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

Cranberries. I was always a picky eater, but I’ve loved red cranberries since I was a kid.

What is your favorite movie?

“Planes, Trains and Automobiles.” I love the scene where they’re driving and another driver tries to tell them they’re going the wrong way and they say, how would he know which way we’re going?

What do you love most about this community?

How friendly everyone is in this small farming community next to big cities.

Salt Magazine

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