Front Porch Profile: Lyvette Mosley

Front Porch Profile: Lyvette Mosley

Portsmouth 4th Ward Councilwoman

By Patrick Keck

You’ve been a councilwoman for nearly a month. Has it been what you expected?

It has. I’ve been busy and I have had the opportunity to meet various constituents, assisting them with their concerns. We have gotten quite a few things done.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I do quite a bit of volunteering and right now I am doing the IRS training at the Potter’s House in Sciotoville. I am going to be helping them this year doing drop-offs for people with their income tax. We won’t be doing actual one-on-one’s with them. They’ll drop all of their paperwork off and then we’ll take care of it.

What local shops do you enjoy?

I love going downtown on Second Street to the A Ghost in the Attic. There’s so much to find there, it’s like a scavenger hunt. Not only do they have antiques, but they have modern things — toys and books, quite a bit of things.

You’re involved with the Southern Ohio Senior Games. Why is it important for seniors to remain active?

Being active can prevent serious physical and emotional problems, it can prevent depression and memory decline. I love encouraging (people) to keep moving. It helps them enjoy life to the fullest.

What are your visions for the city after the pandemic?

I want to go out and meet as many residents as I can, and with the pandemic right now it’s kind of hard to do that. I know we have a Mound Park Watch, and I’d like to start an East End Watch where the community can look out for one another.

Salt Magazine

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