Tommy Hatfield

Tommy Hatfield

Tommy Hatfield is mayor of Sunbury.

Story by Gary Budzak

How are you related to the Hatfield family, who had the famous feud with the McCoys? My great-great-grandfather was Preacher Anderson Hatfield. My grandfather had heard those stories first-hand. Every year to this day, we still have a family reunion. Four or five years ago, we took our kids to the different areas, properties that my family members owned at the time and still own. I do a little jogging, and we went down for the Hatfield-McCoy Marathon in Williamson, West Virginia.

Has your knowledge of this feud helped you as a mayor? I would put that on my mom and dad, common sense. At this level, it’s not about politics or Republicans or Democrats. It’s about doing what’s right for the community.

Favorite vacation spot? The wife and I have been going 26, 27 years to Florida. And the Hatfield-McCoy reunion in Pike County, Kentucky, for 30 years. If we didn’t do that, they’d be after me.

Home-cooked meal or four-star restaurant? The wife and I enjoy going out, but we don’t manage to get out by ourselves, because with social media, we can’t make it to a restaurant that they don’t figure out and show up, with friends. We’ll get a table for six or eight, because we know.

What do you love most about your community? The people more than anything, because that’s what really makes a small town. We’re proud of our village — people still look out for one another and care about their community and are willing to put in the time and money. Whether it’s volunteering for Big Walnut Friends Who Share or one of the churches, it’s the people that make these things happen.

Salt Magazine

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