Pamela Stricker: Contentment

Pamela Stricker: Contentment

Lately, I have been appreciating what it means to be content. Not complacent, but content.

I can look back and recall so many times in my life I failed to really appreciate my life because I was so consumed with what was not right with it, what I wished was different, what I wished would change, what I wished I had that I didn’t have right now. What a shame to have wasted time on such a useless and draining exercise.

I like what the apostle Paul shares in these verses in Philippians 4, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Now that’s peace!

In one of our recent gatherings with contributors to Salt magazine, Kay Frances was talking about the column she planned to write on “first world problems.” We laughed as she shared a couple of them. Since then, I’ve been more aware of how ridiculous some of my complaints and discontent really are.

“My remote isn’t working right!”

“I can’t decide what to wear today.”

“The grass needs mowed again.”

You know, really big problems with which to deal.

I’m also learning that I can be content to admire something without feeling compelled to have to own it; or owning something doesn’t mean I have to own it forever. I can enjoy it a while and then give away.

I find that when I am truly grateful for what I have, for who I am, I can be honestly delighted for someone else’s gain even if I don’t have what they have, their money, their house, their vacation.

I don’t want to sit out on the patio and spend my whole time thinking about what needs to be done. I want to relax to the music of the birds flitting in and out of the trees and feeders. I want to soak in the beauty of the sunset. I want to appreciate the soft spring breeze that gently touches my face.

“Look around you: Winter is over; the winter rains are over, gone! Spring flowers are in blossom all over. The whole world’s a choir — and singing!”

Come be content with me. And, in the meantime, please pass the salt!

Salt Magazine

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